QUANT Financial Ltd.

174 Kasym Amanzholov street, City of Uralsk, 090000
West Kazakhstan Region, Kazakhstan

One George’s Quay Plaza, Dublin 2
Dublin City Centre, D02 E440, Ireland


QUANT Digital Limited

One George’s Quay Plaza, Dublin
Dublin City Centre, D02 E440, Ireland

+353 1 905 32 14

QUANT Financial Ltd. is registered as Financial Services Provider with the Ministry of Economy under BIN Number: 200440005333 in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition QUANT Financial Ltd. has obtained under file No. 32-0-15/10/ЮЛ-C-643 permission from the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide Payment Processing Services (through an Electronic Wallet).  

QUANT Financial Ltd. is a contracted partner of SatchelPay UAB which is an electronic money institution authorised and licensed by the Supervision Service Department of the Central Bank of Lithuania and granted electronic money institution licence Nr. 28, with a payment system participant code Nr. 30600, that conducts business under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, according to the EU Directive (2009/110/EC) and Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on EU-wide payment services. 

SatchelPay is a principal member of MasterCard Europe for card issuing. The QUANT Financial contactless debit card is issued by SatchelPay UAB pursuant to a licence by Mastercard International. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Copyright © 2020 QUANT Financial Ltd. All rights reserved.